my plan to earn a million dollars in 2025


Over the past few years, I’ve been working to grow my online business that sells digital courses, a membership, and a group coaching program.

Right now my business is in the mid-six figures, but I’m ready to take it up a notch and move past that million-dollar-a-year mark.

Interested in learning my plan to do this? Maybe it will inspire ideas for how you could scale your own business past six figures as well!

digital products & services I offer

As I mentioned above, my brand sells three different types of products: courses, a membership, and group coaching. 

The online membership is our lowest-cost offer at $49 a month, my courses sell anywhere between $300 - $800, and the group coaching experience is currently priced at $4,000.

When it comes to scaling to seven figures, focusing on the group coaching program is a clear choice. At $4,000 per customer, we'll need significantly fewer customers compared to if we were trying to reach the same goal with our $49 product.

My goal is to sell 200 client spots in the coaching program over the next year, which will yield about $800,000.
Now, you may be wondering why I wouldn’t just aim to sell 250 group coaching spots to make it all the way to the million dollar mark.

Well, it’s because I need a way to funnel potential clients into the ecosystem and get them interested in enrolling in the group coaching experience. 

Not only that, but I started my brand because I wanted to teach people how to start online businesses in an affordable way. My coaching program is for those who already have a business and want to scale it to six figures, but I know a majority of my audience isn’t quite there yet.

Most of my subscribers have either…

  1. not started their online business quite yet, or

  2. aren’t yet making much money with their business

I don’t want to try to sell a $4,000 program to someone just starting out because, honestly, there isn’t a reason it should cost that much in the beginning – which is one of the main reasons that I don’t want to exclusively be selling a high-ticket coaching program.

Make money along the way

My thought process around this is: 

Why not make money along the way?

That’s what Startup Society is all about – it’s an affordable membership for entrepreneurs just starting out to teach them how to open their businesses, create and sell quality products, gain visibility in the marketplace, and begin to grow their earnings. 

And that’s why I’ve made Startup Society my priority.

Even though the membership isn’t going to drive a majority of my revenue, it will close the gap to earning seven figures. 

Here’s how…

Right now, the membership is $49/month, and with a 6-month retention rate, this yields an average of $294 per member. 

So if we bring in 680 new members this next year, it bridges the gap of the extra $200,000 that I need to push to one million in revenue.

Breaking down the funnel math

Then, these members will fuel our group coaching program as they grow their businesses and become ready to scale to six figures! 

I’ve found that if I enroll students into a lower-cost product first, they get a taste of the quality of our teaching and training. Not only do we under-promise and over-deliver, we really listen to our students to cater the content to meet their needs. 

As they see the value, they are ready for more! If they want the outcome that the program provides, it’s an easy yes because they already “know, like, and trust” us. 

When you see all the different program options out there, you may have some doubts about whether you’ll get out of them what they promise and if you’ll earn back your investment. 

What I’ve found is that, if you nurture students long enough with high value, they trust that they will earn back their investment – plus some – by working with you on that next level. Seeing that ROI (Return On Investment) matters. 

Here’s my big-picture plan:

By enrolling 680 new members into Startup Society (generating $200,000 directly), we’ll then aim for a 30% conversion rate from Startup Society members to new coaching clients. With this conversion, we’d see 200 new coaching clients and $800,000 in revenue.

And this brings us to that million-dollar mark with just these two programs alone!

My business generates hundreds of thousands from other revenue streams, including:

  • YouTube ad revenue

  • sponsorship revenue

  • $100K Funnels that sell our courses

  • affiliate revenue

But I want to make this super simple, separate plan to generate one million dollars, so that, if we fall a little short of that mark, we have these additional things to fall back on to drive us to that 7-figure year. 

Ready to figure out a plan to do this in your own business?

Download my Funnel Math Calculator to figure out how much your course can earn you over the next 12 months once you build a strategic funnel to sell it.


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