Our Team

  • Cortni

    Cortni is our resident Online Business Manager; OBM for short. She goes by a lot of titles - a chief operating officer, a project manager, or an integrator -- all apply to the OBM role. She's been working with Gillian since 2019.

    Cortni helps Gillian manage her projects and team, so Gillian can focus on serving her customers and growing her business. She loves cheering on customers inside our Slack groups (you!), setting up systems and automations, and learning everything there is to know about online business and marketing.

    Learn more about her here: https://cortniloveridge.com

  • Gabe

    Gabe is an author, podcaster, and coach who's passionate about helping entrepreneurs gain clarity, find direction, and make their business dreams come true - through strategy, personalized feedback, and accountability.

    She specifically enjoys working with women who want to start a 1:1 coaching business.

    Gabe is a success coach for Gillian's student programs doing 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and hosting weekly mastermind and co-working sessions.

    She also helps write content and enjoys coordinating case studies with students.

    Learn more about Gabe here: https://redhotmindset.com/start-here/

  • Jenna

    Jenna is the founder of J Works Virtual Solutions, a certified Tech VA & Dashboard Designer business, that provides business support to Online Coaches, Course Creators, and Other Online Service Providers.

    She works with business owners who:

    • Feel overwhelmed by their to-do list.

    • Need help when it comes to analyzing their data to identify key insights.

    • Want to launch a new business, product, or service but aren't sure how to approach it?

    • Are lacking confidence and suffering from fear and anxiety about their business decisions.

    • Want clarity, direction, and accountability when it comes to their business.

    As the Tech VA on Gillian's team, I'm responsible for a variety of tasks related to our tech!

    Learn more about Jenna here: https://jworksvirtualsolutions.com/

  • Sam

    Samantha Harris is a marketing and sales strategist for online businesses.

    On the Gillian Perkins team, she supports with marketing, enrolling new students, coaching in our programs, and supporting our community.

    Her special talents include helping you find your next client, hyping you up, and elevating your sales funnel!

    Learn more about Sam here: https://thesamanthaharris.com

  • Summer

    Summer Anderson is a professional video editor with two years of experience in the industry.

    During that time, she's had the pleasure of working for Gillian for two years, where she primarily edits her YouTube videos and provides virtual assistance.

    Contact Info: sjanderson0702@gmail.com

  • Tiffany

    Tiffany is a work-from-home, homeschooling mom who is enjoys helping people grow their businesses and YouTube channels through strategic feedback and detailed instructions.

    She particularly enjoys helping creators grow their YouTube channels.

    Tiffany is also a success coach for multiple programs inside of Gillian Perkins. She especially enjoys the live events where she can interact directly with the members.

    She also conducts channel audits for Creator Fast Track members and heads up the customer service team.

    Learn more about Tiffany here: https://www.youtube.com/@TheHappyHomeschooler

  • Lorian

    Lorian is new to the team (also hired out of Startup Society). She is a success coach for several of Gillian's programs and does 1:1 coaching.

    Lorian is an entrepreneur, author, and coach. She is passionate about planning and loves helping people get clear on their goals, plan their next steps, and supporting them as they take those steps!

    She particularly loves cheering you on in Slack and geeking out on researching course platforms.

    Learn more about Lorian here:


  • Britany

    Britany Lenz has been a fitness coach for over a decade and a former gym owner of 5 years. As a multifaceted business owner, Britany is passionate about helping entrepreneurs find success in their business.

    Like you, she started with the 100k Mastermind and has seen her online business sore to new heights (even living in an RV full-time with a family of 4!) Now, she is a Success Coach for Gillian’s 100K Mastermind students, supporting community engagement, 1-on-1 personalized coaching, group coaching and helping you hit your next big win!

    When she isn’t working on business strategy, you can find her homeschooling her two kids, training in the gym, or making up a new recipe in a small RV kitchen.

    Learn more about her here:
