Episode 165: Passive Income Ideas That Are Actually Worth Your Time
Passive Income Ideas That Are Actually Worth Your Time
When I Google “best passive income ideas,” the first result is an article from Bankrate.com titled “23 Passive Income Ideas to Help You Make Money in 2023.”
But if I keep scrolling through the search results, there are hundreds of similar articles from sites like SoFi, Nerd Wallet, Forbes and on and on and on.
As an online business writer, I’ve contributed my fair share to those search results as well. But lately, I’ve been increasingly frustrated by the echo chamber the internet has become.
When you make your living as a content creator, it doesn’t take long before you realize that the easiest way to make content that makes money is to repeat what has already been tested by others.
And the fact is, most of the people who write these articles about the best ways to make passive income, haven’t actually tested any of them themselves.
In short, they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Which is why today, I’m recommitting to doing better, to thinking for myself, to saying what I actually think, and to telling the truth even when it might not be what you want to hear.
Because the truth is, when it comes to passive income, I actually have tested out a lot of these ideas and a lot of them are just not what they’re cracked up to be.
So with that commitment in mind, allow me to share with you what I actually think of those 23 passive income ideas to help you make money in 2023.
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Show notes + links:
The truth about two of the top passive income recommendations
The good and the bad about investing in real estate
“Passive” income streams that aren’t actually passive at all
Investment strategies worth considering, and some that probably aren’t
What really matters when it comes to choosing a passive income strategy