from information overload to a whopping 333,000 ROI

"My hesitation and doubts about joining the Startup Society is, will I [see a positive] ROI? Will it be another course that I may or may not get my return on investment? ROI was a big deal for me because I'd been burnt in the past. In terms of ROI, it was few hundred dollars at the time. I did the math, and within the first year I made six figures, so I had a 333,000 return on investment."


Writing Income Accelerator

Pia Edberg

#1 bestselling personal development author

"I've taken countless business courses both online and offline, and I've spent thousands of dollars on them. From B school to Best Mindset to everything in between. But none of them have been so practical and easy to follow and understand as Startup Society. Whatever Gillian does, the way her info is formatted/how she explains stuff is so clear with no BS, and it's been my favourite & most useful of the courses I've taken that only NOW I finally don't feel lost. So thank you!"

noel powers

SS Member

“Very honestly, if I hadn’t joined Startup Society, I feel like I would be trying to do too many things at once without any of them paying off. I’d be spreading my time and energy between many different things, but missing out on creating a truly lucrative business. I’d still be in the hobby zone instead of in the profit zone.”

brady snow

SS Member

"Startup Society has simple, straight-forward, action-paced modules that allow you to map out the steps you need to take to get your business off the ground and profiting. Highly recommended for anyone thinking about starting an online business or anyone who wants to actively grow one."

Erica made $7,683 in sales in just one month!

"The Evergreen Funnels Made Easy action plan helped me out SO MUCH after my launch! I’m so grateful. These are the results of my first month with my first evergreen funnel. I was so happy to see that it’s done 39 sales for a total of $7,683 the past 30 days!

I’ve averaged a bit over 1 sale per day, which has completely blown me away. I was expecting a lot less judging by the number of new e-mail subscribers that I have coming in monthly. Thank you to Gillian and her team!!"

- Erica Limones, Erica Ray Language

how to STOP spinning your wheels and START making progress

“The biggest payoff of becoming a member of Startup Society is the step-by-step plan. Sometimes you can be busy doing a lot of things, but you’re just spinning the wheel and not really moving forward. I have a sense of accomplishment that I’m moving closer and closer to my end goal.”


Paul Simmons Designs

Read more about Paul's story

From picking a business idea to creating clear goals to launching your first product, Startup Society is here to help!


picking an idea to monetize

"Before starting Startup Society I thought there were no good product matches for my blog. I thought there was no way for me to successfully monetize my blog. But since working through the Startup Society tutorials, I have all kinds of monetization ideas coming to me. I just need to start implementing my chosen idea and see what happens from there."


found her place to connect and grow

"What I love is connecting to a community of bright and well-informed women who are providing advice and resources. These have been highly instrumental in helping me to refocus my business from boots on the ground to internet entrepreneurship. I was engaged with a couple of recognized coaches but found them lacking hands on engagement. That did not help me. I need and deeply appreciate the personal live connections. I will grow with this style of teaching. Thank you!"


launching a digital product successfully

“Without Startup Society, I would not have clues on how to create a digital product and how to prepare for a product launch. I also would have a hard time to stay focused on my progression without any support/advice from Gillian and members in Startup Society”


finding a clear direction for her goals

"I had a vision for empowering others with their own creativity, but didn't know where to start. Startup Society was the boost I needed to get going in the right direction and I could clearly see a path to reaching my goals. Thank you so much for helping me define what Artsy Cupcake is and should be. You are helping others build their businesses, but also helping all our future customers in achieving their own goals through our products and services.

what else can you expect with STARTUP SOCIETY?

Networking and collaboration is in full swing within the community, and the success coaches are ready to answer questions and support you as you grow your business.

jenna colavito

Intro to Adulthood

The Set Up Shop course itself made Startup Society worth the investment!

"Start Up Society has been PIVOTAL in getting my course up and running. I have already completed the "Set Up Shop" Action Plan which helped me set up my business banking account, legally register and protect my new business, finish designing my branding and getting my website up, running and monetized! It is so helpful in keeping me on track with its step-by-step guides and Action Steps!"

alicia cohen

Alicia Cohen Designs

Alicia found a collaborative group within Startup Society to join forces with as she grows her business!

"While there are many benefits of joining Startup Society, the component that I most appreciate is the community. Being an online business owner can be a lonely, solo journey. However, with Startup Society, I feel like I have colleagues! The people in the Startup Society community are encouraging and supportive! Even though I'm running my own business, I feel a bit like I have co-workers! It's really nice to have people to bounce ideas off of and venture together with, in this entrepreneurial world!

rose white

Wise Choices Incorporated

Getting her business up and running has been seamless with the support of the community!

"I have established since being with Startup Society my Asana account for project management assistance, Calendly for scheduling interviews with clients, and have completed the draft for my new coaching business website. Now, I am currently working on drafting courses, corresponding blogs, and scripts for my 10-20 minute podcast to give an introduction to my coaching services. These scripts will also be used for my YouTube channel. My goal is to be complete with this first phase and to fully launch, Monday, August 3."

Melinda Hart finds clarity and grows her business in 6 months with the help of Startup Society!

“To join Startup Society and think in month one, ‘I have a good idea, I wonder if it will work?’ to know four months later that not only did that idea not work, but that my next idea was so much better and that I have been so much happier since I actually started taking action on it. Since I actually started coming up with a plan. Since I’ve actually been able to create more time. And that sounds crazy, but it’s really true because Startup Society is a beautifully, simple, focused, targeted program that gets right down to it."


Stamping with Hart

Read more about Melinda's story

through Startup Society, Becca Davis was able
to launch her course with 21 sales


Voice Set Free LLC

Startup Society helped Mildred acknowledge her desire to teach singing, and VALIDATE gave her the push to do it. Now Startup Society is helping her develop the structure of her business and focus on the next steps

"I have been able to clarify my target audience, put together a service product and actually write pages for my website. Startup Society removed the guess work and has given me a clear road map to successfully launch my business."

how Kim went from Solopreneur to CEO

Kim Feeney is a Play Therapist, and a couple years back she was working really hard to create a strong client base and establish a name for herself, but she didn't know how. She was making progress, but felt roadblocked and lacked the confidence to show up and be visible for her business.

Because she felt really stuck, she knew that she needed to invest in herself. However, those mindset blocks came up…

“Is it going to be worth it? Am I going to get the value for my money?... I could try some marketing efforts on my own and post on social media.”

Kim had been watching my Youtube videos and learned a wealth of knowledge! But she knew she needed more help to get bigger results in her business. So... she decided to make a change and join Startup Society, which allowed her to get coaching and advice from someone she trusted.

Her BIG goal was to learn how to create a successful marketing strategy to find a client base and become visible online, and this is my favorite part... I’ve been so impressed by the success Kim created when she really committed to the process and showed up every single day!

In the first month of joining Startup Society she doubled her Instagram followers! But her biggest win was becoming so highly in demand:

“I have filled my schedule to beyond capacity.
I’ve hired two more therapists to work in my practice.”

All those small steps Kim was taking each week inside Startup Society were inching her closer and closer toward building a strong client base so she could grow her practice. The big pay off for Kim is that she has “been featured 3 times in her local news in the last six months.”

Pretty awesome, right? I mean, imagine being recognized by the city you live in!

When I asked her what she would have been doing if she never joined Startup Society, Kim told me this:

“I don’t think I would be as successful. I don’t think I would have the following on social media. I don’t know if I would have ever started the YouTube Channel because I don’t know if I would’ve had the confidence to do that. I don’t think I would have the visibility in the news that I have had."

are you looking for a community to grow your business in?

I created Startup Society to show other people how they, too, could earn money online and experience this amazing freedom. I know it will work for YOU too!

We keep membership affordable so that you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to get started. (I know I definitely didn’t have that kind of money when I was starting my business!)

I want you and your family to experience the flexibility and FREEDOM that our family has. I know you can do it -- but only if you take action and get started!

Here's to your success! ~ Gillian