Short on time? How to work SMARTER, not HARDER
Does your business support your life goals? I want to share how you can work smarter in your online business to achieve the life you want.
My #1 Tip For Reaching Your Goals
Each step in the RIGHT direction takes you closer to your goals than ten steps in the WRONG.
A Typical Monday In My Life As An ENTREPRENEUR (And Mom!)
If you're anything like me (i.e. kinda "snoopy") then you'll really enjoy the video I released on YouTube: a typical Monday in my life as an entrepreneur and mom.
Expectations vs Reality
Well, let me tell you a little secret: your perception of "success" is also based on a highlights reel.
A Real, Messy Day In My Life
Sometimes I make "day-in-the-life" videos, and I really try to keep them based in reality. I try to make them accurate, and not paint false pictures of unattainable ideals. First of all, because I want to be honest, and secondly because I'd hate to make anyone feel like they didn't have stuff as "together" as they should.
You Can’t Do Anything Until You Do THIS
If we lack clarity about exactly what we want, then we can struggle to decide exactly what we should DO to get started.
4 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Was Struggling To Pay My Bills
Why do you want to build an online business?
Is it for the money?
The impact you can have on others?
The freedom and flexibility of being your own boss?
The $100K Funnel Breakdown
If you've ever wondered how my business generates so much passive income, you're about to find out.
In video #1, I take you through one of my $100K funnels, blow by blow, so you can see how it automatically turns a lead into a paying customer.
In video #2, I break down our Win/Win webinar strategy.
In video #3, I'll walk you through our evergreen sales emails.
And finally, in video #4, I'll explain the big-picture strategy, and how you can implement this whole system into your business.
To get access to these videos, just enter your name and email below and I'll email you the link. 👇
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